As you can see, I went to the Royal Physician this afternoon, and I am
really unhappy with him. The indignity of wearing this contraption is almost more than I can
bear! Evidently he does not trust me to
not tend to my own injuries, so to speak.
Well, I never!!! There is a puncture wound in my paw and it's torn, most likely from the mean dogs teeth.
Grrrrr! They tell me I will have to take antibiotics and wear this hideous get-up for
two weeks!!! Can you even
imagine that? I am absolutely fit to be tied. . . . .
Seriously though, if I must endure this don't you think the Duchess should glue on some ruffles and lace? Something more befitting a Queen? If they call it an Elizabethan Collar then I think it should
look like one.